Thursday, May 1, 2008

Evaluating Bandwidth Choices-Fractional DS3 vs DS3

Looking for bandwidth? That can be a daunting and frustrating task even in the best of situations. There's lots to consider in order to make the right decision for your needs. Below you'll find some help when evaluating Fractional DS3 vs DS3. Factors covered include Technology, Speed, Description, Application, Pros, Cons, and Cost.


Technology: Fractional DS3

Speed: 3 Mbps - 44.736 Mbps

Description: A fraction of a full DS-3, which is comprised of 28 T-1s or 672 channels.

Application: Provides access from a location into the Internet for a large business or ISP (Internet Service Provider).

Pros: Provides very high speed access directly into the carrier's backbone. Bandwidth guaranteed by SLA (Service Level Agreement). Very reliable.

Cons: Setup and monthly costs can be prohibitive.

Costs: A Fractional DS3 will likely start at around $2,000 for a stable, reliable system (e.g. from a Tier 1 provider)....not including the local loop. A required router is additional unless provided as a "freebie" incentive by the vendor. Price climbs as distance from the providers Central Office (CO) increases. However....the pricing for these connections can vary widely depending on the carrier, location of service and the application for which the connection is being used. For example...Tier 1 providers will probably cost more than local/regional Tier 2 and Tier 3 providers but are much more stable and reliable. A Tier 1 provider should be the provider of choice for any business serious about the quality of their network. Also, expect to pay more if you are in a rural area or need integrated (voice and data combined) DS3 service.


Technology: DS3

Speed: 44.736 Mbps

Description: dedicated connection made up of the equivalent of 28 T-1s.

Application: Provides access from a location into the Internet for a large business or ISP (Internet Service Provider).

Pros: Circuit runs directly into the carrier's backbone. Bandwidth guaranteed by SLA (Service Level Agreement). Very reliable.

Cons: Setup and monthly costs can be prohibitive.

Costs: A full DS3 obviously will cost more than a Fractional DS3. Expect cost to start at around a $3-5,000 for a stable, reliable system (e.g. from a Tier 1 provider).....not including the local loop. A required router is additional unless provided as a "freebie" incentive by the vendor. Price climbs as distance from the providers Central Office (CO) increases. However....the pricing for these connections varies widely depending on the carrier, location of service and the application for which the connection is being used. For example...Tier 1 providers may cost more than local/regional Tier2 and Tier 3 providers but are much more stable and reliable. A Tier 1 provider should be the provider of choice for any business serious about the quality of their network. Also, expect to pay more if you are in a rural area or need integrated (voice and data combined) or bonded (multiple DS3s bound in 1 network....option vs full OC3) DS3 service.


Technology: E3 (Europe)

Speed: 34.368 Mbps

Description: European equivalent of T-3. Made up of the equivalent of 28 T-1s.

Application: Provides access from a location into the Internet for a large business or ISP (Internet Service Provider).

Pros: Circuit runs directly into the carrier's backbone. Bandwidth guaranteed by SLA (Service Level Agreement). Very reliable.

Cons: Setup and monthly costs can be prohibitive.

Costs: A full E3 usually costs more than it's North American counterpart. Expect cost to start at around a $6-8,000 for a stable, reliable 45 Mbps system (e.g. from an equivalent Tier 1 provider). A required router is additional unless provided as a "freebie" incentive by the vendor (not common in Europe). Local loops range from $1,000 - $3,000/month. Price climbs as distance from the providers Central Office (CO) increases. However....just as with the North American version the pricing for these connections varies widely depending on the carrier, location of service and the application for which the connection is being used.

Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications....including and Michael also authors Broadband Nation where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, insights, and ramblings for the masses.

Streamyx ISP

XL 2020

This August, its my birthday, and Im turning 37 years old. Its a moment of calm in an increasingly busy schedule: We have just completed the very successful Global Entrepreneurs Summit, the London Wealth Dynamics Weekend and tours in Australia, New Zealand and India. Come September, we have a big momentum with Ron Kaufman, the Ecademy Tour with Penny Power, the Entrepreneur Business School in Bali, and Wealth Dynamics Weekends in Kuala Lumpur, Bangalore and Brisbane. So this would appear to be the perfect time for a bumper-sized newsletter! This month I outline XL 2020 ?The vision that created all this craziness. It is what drives me every day, and Im proud to share it with you:

XL 2020

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.?/b> - Nelson Mandela

What will we accomplish in our lifetime? What will be our legacy? In 2020, I will be 52 years old. My son, Luke, will turn 21. How old will you be?

This is our vision. This is XL 2020.

In 2002, the United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed by all 191 UN member states, set a target to halve world poverty by 2015, and an end world poverty altogether by 2025. In 2002, the same year the declaration was signed, XL Results Foundation was launched to help make World Wide Wealth a reality. We set a goal to create a world wide foundation of learning and networking resources for entrepreneurs to accelerate their ability to create and contribute wealth. The aim of this global, self-supporting network is to provide an ongoing cycle of creation and contribution through social enterprise. We are now three years into that journey.

Whereas the classic learning institutions of the 20th Century were united by pride of place, we see the learning networks of the 21st Century to be united by pride of purpose. The purpose of XL Results Foundation is World Wide Wealth: A concerted and simultaneous creation and contribution of wealth, with 10% of new wealth created each year being contributed back collectively ?towards the sustainable prosperity of the environment and our next generation.

By 2020 our goal is to have reached $1 billion of new wealth created annually with $100 million being contributed and leveraged to end poverty and environmental degeneration. This is the Billion Dollar Challenge. How are we making this happen? Where are we now, and where will we be in 2020?

1. A Network of Entrepreneurs

When we launched in 2002, we had a vision of entrepreneurs connecting with each other through a global network, with information, knowledge and opportunities being exchanged daily. The right network dissolves the illusion of limited resource. It strips us of the excuse that we dont have enough money, enough knowledge or enough time. You dont need money if you know the people with money. You dont need knowledge if you have the mentors with the knowledge, and you dont need time if you have the team committing their time.

By 2020, we will have an international network of entrepreneurs, connected from the youngest and the newest to the most seasoned and accomplished. We will be conducting over 150 monthly events with leading speakers and entrepreneurs sharing their knowledge and stories around the globe. Any individual committed to growing their power to create and contribute will find an environment and support base in every one of the top 100 economies in the world.

After three short years, we are already conducting monthly networking events in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Brisbane, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, with Beijing, Melbourne and Sydney starting in the coming months. We manage Ecademy Asia Pacific, connecting Asia Pacific entrepreneurs with 60,000 others in the Worlds most popular online business forum, and we connect our network to 2.4 million others through LInkedIn, the Worlds largest online business directory. Our team now facilitates the exchange of over 120 connections and opportunities within the network every week.

2. A Global Learning Institution

When we launched in 2002, we had a vision of entrepreneurs learning the latest strategies and skills for success, not from academics but from other entrepreneurs who were walking the talk. We envisioned a core team of Life Members who would be our success stories and our resource base, providing coaching, mentoring and leading by example in each country.

By 2020, we will have an international network of Results Centres providing hard skills and soft skills training to entrepreneurs on all topics from finding the right team to building the best systems to setting up effectively in new countries. We will have an unrivalled international business mentoring network to support the development of entrepreneurs, and a conference series bringing the best minds together to share knowledge and experience on building business and creating wealth. This will allow new entrepreneurs to tap in to a collective knowledge base and wisdom on business success which has not previously existed.

After three short years, we have built a base of 700 Life Members across 15 countries, and we have established the widest reaching coaching certification program with monthly modules being conducted throughout Asia Pacific, with over 12,000 hours of coaching taking place within the certification program in the last 12 months. Our Life Members are an exceptional group, including leading entrepreneurs, speakers, trainers and professional in each country. This year, we sponsored the Global Speakers Summit ?bringing professionals from all the National Speakers Associations around the world together for the first time, and the Global Entrepreneur Summit ?bringing together the leading lights of entrepreneurship in Asia Pacific together under one roof for the first time. Both of these Summits attracted attendees from over 10 countries around the region and will now become annual fixtures.

Economists call ideas nonrival in the sense that one persons use of an idea does not diminish the ability of others to use it as well. This is why we can envision a world in which everybody achieves prosperity.?/b> - Jeffrey Sachs, in The End of Poverty

3. A Self Financed Foundation

When we launched in 2002, we had a vision of entrepreneurs becoming a sought-after community for sponsors and advertisers, financing the activities and resources to help new entrepreneurs to help themselves. We saw our core group of Life Members becoming stakeholders where their early investment in our vision would lead to a lifetime return in value funded by the corporations supporting entrepreneurship.

By 2020, we will have an international base of more than five million entrepreneurs, the worlds widest reaching publications on social enterprise, Global Summits and Conferences, and networking events taking place on any given day. Revenues from sponsorship and advertising will fund a large portion of this activity. Promotions and discounts will add significant value to the network through the buying power of our membership program. Being part of this collective force, a self-employed entrepreneur or small business owner will be able to benefit from the same global buying power that today only multi-national corporations can achieve.

After three short years, we are now the leading avenue for corporations to reach entrepreneurs and small businesses in Asia Pacific. We have launched XL Magazine, the worlds first magazine dedicated to Social Enterprise, featuring leading entrepreneurs and leaders including Lee Kuan Yew, Rudy Guiliani, Henry Kissinger, Anita Roddick, Ho Kwon Ping, Tony Fernandez, Tom Peters and Narayana Murthy. The magazine and our Global Summits have attracted world class advertisers and sponsors, including major banks, airlines, hotels, telcos and service providers. With a dedicated team in place, we are now extending sponsorship to all networking events, and launching a Life Membership discount program, providing substantial savings to our Life Members in training, travel and business expenses.

4. Entrepreneurship Decoded

When we launched in 2002, we had a vision of entrepreneurs accessing a community organized to build businesses around each individuals strengths. In the same way that Hollywood enables people to get into movies whether they were a script-writer, actor, director, producer, distributor, agent or technician, XL Results Foundation would enable people to become entrepreneurs whether they were a creator, deal maker, trader, mechanic, star or supporter. Using the Wealth Dynamics profiling system, business owners could identify the team they needed, the value they delivered and the strategy to follow.

By 2020, over one million people will be taking the Wealth Dynamics profiling test each year. We will have an opportunities exchange that follows the hierarchy of the eight stages of business growth, with international markets to find, offer and exchange ideas, brands, patents, contracts, licenses, franchises, agents, management teams, financing, companies, properties and assets based on the Wealth Dynamics system. Entrepreneurs will be able to access communities of mentors, coaches, resources and fellow entrepreneurs supporting and following their specific profile. Entrepreneurship will not be about doing everything, but about doing what you do best and doing what you love.

After three short years, we have established Wealth Dynamics internationally as the only profiling system providing specific strategic direction to entrepreneurs. We have developed products and online resources to support the system and the Wealth Dynamics book will be launched this year. Over 50,000 people have attended seminars to learn about the Wealth Dynamics system and Wealth Dynamics Weekends have been held in Singapore, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Jakarta, Bangalore, Auckland and London, with Weekends upcoming in Brisbane and Shanghai. This year, the Wealth Dynamics test will be available online, and an advanced coaching certification will be launched for Life Members to become specialist coaches in providing Wealth Dynamics coaching.

5. A Global Accreditation

When we launched in 2002, we had the vision that, in the future, consumers would contribute more to charities from buying through social enterprises than giving donations directly to charities. We had the vision that, in the future, charitable causes would receive more from corporations passing a percentage of their profits to them than from their own charity drives. We had the vision of the Billion Dollar Challenge ?where we would play a vital role in facilitating this movement by driving and measuring the wealth created and contributed by social enterprises, with the goal of achieving $100M in contributions from $1B in profits from participating social enterprises each year.

By 2020, we will have reached and surpassed our target of $100M contributed each year out of $1B in profits. We will have established a universally accepted definition of a social enterprise as a company giving at least 10% of its profits to a charitable cause. Our Social Enterprise Accreditation Program will be internationally regarded as a trusted system to recognize social enterprises publicly. Our Social Enterprise 500 will be the authoritative ranking of the top companies world wide ranked by their level of giving. Our annual Social Entrepreneur Award will give international recognition to the leading social entrepreneurs, providing role models and inspiration to the entire network.

After three short years, we have put in place the mechanisms for the Billion Dollar Challenge, launching the XL Social Enterprise Accreditation program at the Global Entrepreneur Summit 2005 this July. By the Entrepreneur Business School in Bali this September, we will admit our first intake of social enterprises into the program. Through the accreditation, companies will be publicly recognized as a Social Enterprise, with a nominated charitable cause that they are committed to giving at least 10% of their profits to. Through this program, the Social Enterprise 500 will emerge, and we will have specific measurable data each year contributing to the Billion Dollar Challenge. This year we have also become the sponsors of the regions first Social Entrepreneurship Award, conducted in association with the Entrepreneurship Centre of the National University of Singapore.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.?/b> - Winston Churchill

6. A Force For Giving

When we launched in 2002, we had a vision that, in the future, each of us would receive as much education on how to contribute our money as our current consumer culture gives us on how to spend our money. We had a vision of the emergence of the enlightened consumer? who would want their dollars spent to go to both consumption for them and contribution for others. We had a vision, shared by many, that as consumers found more meaning in the power of their money, information and knowledge on where to give and how to give would become increasingly valuable and important.

By 2020, we will be an authoritative source on effective giving. The collective knowledge we will have accumulated on the difference that each dollar makes within different causes will be published in our annual XL World Wide Wealth Directory. The partnerships we will have created with the non-profit organizations around the World will enable us to link the networks of wealth creation and wealth contribution. Our non-profit network will match our profit network in breadth and depth. The XL Social Enterprise Accreditation program will enable us to rank charities by the number of enterprises that have nominated them providing a gauge to the public of the causes that fiscally conscious corporations are supporting. The collective result of these initiatives will be to give individuals ?from consumers to entrepreneurs ?the power to make more informed decisions and see the tangible results in the difference they are having on this planet.

After three short years, we have featured success stories, highlighted causes and promoted charities in our magazine, at our networking events and through our online network. We have made the connections with key figures in the non-profit sector, and have begun to assemble our international network of charity representatives through our Life Member base, with nominated charities in each country supported by the XL Group. Plans are now underway to hold a third annual Global Summit ?the Global Social Enterprise Summit ?which will bring together the leading social entrepreneurs and non-profit experts under one roof to share strategies and success stories. At the Entrepreneur Business School last year, attended by over 100 entrepreneurs from around the world, the top three award winners were social enterprises, each of which have achieved great success in the last year and have become excellent examples of what can be achieved in a short period of time.

World Wide Wealth

Wealth is not how much money you have. Its what youre left with when you lose all your money.?

When we leave this planet, no matter how much money weve made, if we leave it in a worst state than when we got here, thats not wealth. We each have the ability to make more, and so we each have the ability to give more away.

Individually, we have the ability to transform our personal wealth. Collectively, we have the ability to transform World Wide Wealth.

There are two pivotal events that will occur in our lifetime. One will be the end of world poverty, where our wealth networks will raise us all above the bar of pure survival. The other will be the beginning of environmental generation, where the effect of our human presence on this planet will equal a net constructive result on the environment each year, from the present net destructive result we have been having for the last 2,000 years. These are both historic sea changes ?and they will occur in our lifetime. What part will you play? What part will your grandchildren and great-grandchildren remember you for?

When we launched in 2002, we had a big vision. The big vision has become bigger, because we have gotten closer. We have gotten closer not as a result of the vision moving, but as a result of the world moving. The world has become more uncertain, more in need, more challenging. We have become more connected, more informed, more empowered. Entrepreneurs are appearing at an accelerated rate. Social enterprise has entered the global lexicon. Online business networks are doubling in size every six months. People are ready and stepping forward to make a bigger difference.

By 2020, our vision will have become reality. It will have become bigger, and clearer. As the Optometrist said, Wealth comes from 2020 Vision. Vision opens the door to our potential. It gives us sight of who we can become, individually and collectively. We each have a power inside that, when combined, can and will change the world.

After three short years, we have made baby steps towards this vision. This is a long-term vision being built day-by-day, and it takes patience and perseverance. Already, after three short years, we have built an internationally recognized network that is already changing the lives of individuals daily.

I travel to between six and eight countries meeting over 2,000 people in our network every month, and I have the privilege of seeing these changes first-hand. I am working harder today than I have ever worked and still the momentum continues to grow. I am sometimes exhausted by those who ask what can I get?? but I am always energized by those who ask what can I give?? It is those of you who are contributing the most who are also gaining the most.

I thank you for your contribution towards everything we are trying to achieve, and I ask that you continue to seek the ways to create and contribute more effectively. After all, it has only been three short years, and we still have another fifteen to go! When we launched in 2002, I was 33 years old. My son, Luke, was only 3. How old were you?

In 2020, I will be 52 years old. My son, Luke, will turn 21. How old will you be?

What will you accomplish in our lifetime?

What will be your legacy?

This is XL 2020. This is our vision. I invite you to make it yours.

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.?/B>

- Helen Keller

Belief, courage, action

-Roger Hamilton

XL Results Foundation Pte Ltd
30 Robinson Road
#11-01 Robinson Towers
Tel: 65-63723383
Fax: 65-63231131

You can read more about XL Results Foundation at We also provide a unique profiling system with which you can discover your path of least resistance to wealth. This is a very powerful tool for any company manager or entrepreneur. Thousands of people have already discovered their path, now you can do the same:
